Women's Lust
Stereo, HD, 16:9
About love, life, and sex at a certain age.
WOMEN'S LUST is about the sexual desires of women of a certain age and their daily struggle to preserve these new-won freedoms. The protagonists are five women from various walks of life who have a variety of needs.
This film deals with ways of viewing one’s own aging body, the difficulties involved with various couplings, differences relating to culture or age, impotence and how to work around it creatively. Of particular significance is the aspect of overcoming barriers thrown up by society and crass moral concepts, which all the protagonists are forced to struggle with, whether neighbors’ eyes popping out or their own children turning away in disgust.
And in conclusion the film has something to say about courageous self-actualization and self-determination with regard to one’s own aging body, a theme we will all be confronted with some day.
WOMEN'S LUST is the counterpart to the documentary MEN'S LUST.

Gabi Schweiger
Eva Testor
Niki Mossböck
Nikolaus Geyrhalter
Markus Glaser
Michael Kitzberger
Wolfgang Widerhofer
NGF - Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH
in coproduction with:
with support of:
Fernsehfonds Austria
Filmfonds Wien
Land STMK/Cine Styria
Land OÖ
Land NÖ
World Sales:
Autlook Filmsales
© Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH