Population Boom

A film by Werner Boote
A 2013, 93 Min.



A well-known nightmarish vision of the future: The Earth’s population reaches seven billion. Dwindling resources, mountains of toxic waste, hunger and climate change - the results of overpopulation? Who says that the world’s overpopulated? And who’s one too many? 


After the box-office success of “Plastic Planet,” in POPULATION BOOM curious documentary filmmaker Werner Boote travels the globe and examines a stubborn view of the world that has existed for decades. But he sees a completely different question: Who or what is driving this catastrophic vision?




Written and directed by

Werner Boote


Director of Photography

Dominik Spritzendorfer


Sound Recording

Andreas Hamza


2nd Camera

Mario Hötschl



Emily Artmann



Karwan Marouf


Assistant Director

Linda Hambrusch


2nd Assistant Director and Research

Myriam Loukili



Anna Katharina Wohlgenannt


Sound Mixing

Thomas Pötz


Recording Studio

Cosmix Studios


HD Post-Production

Leiss Video Postproduction

Listo Film:Video:Effects


Color Grading and Color Correction

Christian Leiss

Thomas Varga 

Herbert Fischer


Production Office

Barbara Kern


Production Assistant

Daniela Patz 

Katharina Posch 

Claudia Wohlgenannt


Production Manager

Michael Meisterhofer


Line Producer

Markus Glaser



Markus Glaser

Michael Kitzberger

Wolfgang Widerhofer

Nikolaus Geyrhalter


Produced by:

NGF - Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH


with support of:

Österreichisches Filminstitut

Filmfonds Wien

ORF Film/Fernsehabkommen

Filmstandort Austria


World Sales:

Autlook Filmsales



Watch now

DVD at Amazon
Worldwide: on Vimeo
Online on iTunes


Prize for the greenest film, Green Me Filmfestival Berlin (2014)
Nomination: Best Editor, Austrian Film Award (2014)
Artistic Direction Special Award, Rome Docscient Festival (2014)


Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival CPH:DOX, 2013
Max Ophüls Prize Filmfestival, 2014
Green Me Filmfestival Berlin, 2014
Diagonale, Festival of Austrian Film, Graz, 2014
