Over the Years
A film by Nikolaus Geyrhalter
A 2015, 188 Min.
Ten surprising years.
In the winter of 2004, no one can tell how long the old textile factory in the northern Waldviertel will still be able to survive. When the factory ultimately shuts its doors, its employees embark upon a time of radical change.
The workers, who live in the countryside, seek new directions.
Other work, unpaid work, more time to engage in hobbies, to become involved in the local fire department or to care for relatives.
New beginnings and changes. Life goes on.
Premiere at the Berlinale Forum:
"What begins as the documentation of a branch of industry dying a slow death develops over the course of ten years into an epic documentary tale of life and work in the post-industrial era. It is an outstanding, moving film devoted to people."
(Birgit Kohler, Berlinale)

Director and Cinematographer:
Editing and Dramaturgy:
Wolfgang Widerhofer
Nikolaus Geyrhalter
Wolfgang Widerhofer
Sound Recording, Camera Assistant:
Ludwig Löckinger
Andreas Hamza
Oliver Schneider
Gerald Piesch
Simon Graf
Sound Design:
Peter Kutin
Florian Kindlinger
Matthias Ermert
Clemens Kloss
Color Grading:
Christian Leiss
Production Manager:
Michael Kitzberger
Nikolaus Geyrhalter
Michael Kitzberger
Wolfgang Widerhofer
Markus Glaser
NGF - Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH
with support of:
Austrian Film Institute
ORF Film/Fernsehabkommen
Niederösterreich Kultur
World Sales:
Autlook Filmsales
Please be aware that these photos are available exclusively for work associated with the film, duplication for use elsewhere is prohibited without express permission.
© Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH
© Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH
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Grand Diagonale Prize Documentary: Best Austrian Documentary Film, Diagonale, Festival of Austrian Film, Graz (2015)
Nomination: Best Documentary, Austrian Film Award (2016)
Best Artistic Editing of a Documentary Film, Diagonale, Festival of Austrian Film, Graz (2015)
Best Film, Human Rights Competition, Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival (BAFICI) (2015)
Silver Eye Award for Best feature-length documentary, Jihlava, International Documentary Film Festival (2015)
3-sat Documentary Film Prize, Duisburg Film Festival (2015)
Berlinale Forum, 2015
Diagonale, Festival of Austrian Film, Graz, 2015
Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival (BAFICI), 2015
IDFA, International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, 2015
Eurodok, Oslo, 2015
IndieLisboa International Film Festival , 2015
Riviera Maya Film Festival, México, 2015
International Documentary Film Festival Munich, 2015
Tel Aviv International Documentary Film Festival, 2015
Docs Against Gravity Film Festival, Warsaw, 2015
Subversive Film Festival, Zagreb, 2015
Documentarist. Istanbul Documentary Days, 2015
Sarajevo International Film Festival, 2015
Milano Film Festival, 2015
Bergen International Film Festival, 2015
São Paulo International Film Festival, 2015
Duisburg Film Festival, 2015
Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival CPH:DOX, 2015
Sevilla Festival de Cine Europeo, 2015
Montreal International Documentary Festival, 2015
Lanzarote Muestra de Cine Europeo, 2015
MOMA's Doc Fortnight, 2016
dokumentarfilmwoche hamburg, 2016
with support of
